Team MAMS (North Chapter) were able to work with the Temecula Round Table to set up a full day of fundraising on Friday 3/2/12 12pm,-9pm. We would receive 20% of the proceeds from all food consumption as long as you gave your flyer at ordering time.
We used this opportunity to also set up shop and sell some of our crafts. Jackie and Andrea set out their blankets, scarves and hats. Along with the Breast Cancer oriented paraphernalia, bracelets, buttons, pins, etc.
We had a lot of very generous strangers give just for the cause! We also met a stage 4 survivor that told us her story and what she has endured and overcome and that just amplified how horrible this disease is and how much harder we need to work to raise money to help find a cure!
A big thanks goes out to all our friends, co-workers, and family that came to support us!
Jackie Mann and her family |
Gale, Darcy, their hubbies and fellow friend |
Andrea's hubby, 2boys and Jackie's son.
We find out the "grand total" of what Round Table % we earned Monday but for now we made in merchandise alone $213. Jackie and Andrea have told their husbands "See all that time at the craft stores paid off!" |